Chapter IX~ Begin again

 It's been so long since my words have graced this blog and somehow someway it feels like home. 

I am a tad bit older now and it's very nostalgic to read my words. I truly adore the fact that I never gave up on writing and writing never gave up on me.

So here I am once again and I am called to return to this. I tried to ignore it yet the more I did the more it popped up here. I am inclined to share, to talk, and to feel and I often dull myself out of these things due to the fear of what others may think. 

I allowed that fear to consume me for so long that I sat my pen down. I longed for her yet in a way I was experiencing emotions I knew didn't quite know how to put into words. In simpler terms, I was just growing up and that was nothing new yet no one really had the words. Well, they did but at the time I had made it up in my mind that they didn't we'll unpack that later on. 

I'm not sure how we'll do this nor am I sure what will come of it yet one goal I do have for myself personally is to break this creative barrier I've set for myself. 

This is the first step in putting myself out there and whether I understand the impact I know that it will do me the justice to execute my creativity. 

I am excited for this new phase of my life as well as sharing the insight I'm learning every day on how I feel. 




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